Report and Implementation Visit (40 Min) Supplement and at-home recommendations as well as corrective care plan (frequency and number of visits), Adjustment
Most patients experience an 80% reduction in their symptoms after just 30 days! This easy to follow program allows you to address your TMJ and resolve it for good and provides you with all the necessary tools to maintain your results.
This is vital to the success of your care at MCN. Dr. Drew will review the information you provide in the online intake form BEFORE you arrive so that as much can be accomplished as possible at your initial visit. Please complete all of the necessary paperwork with as much detail as possible as the more Dr. Drew knows about you the more personalized he can make your treatment plan.
This visit is one hour. You sit down with Dr. Drew and go in-depth about your condition and health history. You will go through an exam and testing recommendations will be made. You will then sit down with Karla, our health coach to go over how to perform testing and send it in so we can obtain accurate test results and find out what is going on. All your questions will be answered so you can leave confident that you are on the right track.
This is a 40 minute visit. You will meet with Dr. Drew to go over your examination results and your recommended healthscape plan. We utilize a variety of tools including supplementation, specific chiropractic adjustments, evidenced based protocols, movement and breathing, detoxification, at home drills and a host of other interventions. Every aspect of your healthscape plan is important because each aspect is a necessary key to reaching your goals. The optimal results can only be achieved by taking into account each individual's life, limitations, and capability to heal.
Here is the exciting part! This is where you put your plan into action. MCN and all of our resources are at your full disposal to help support you every step of the way. You will determine a schedule to meet with Dr. Drew for the recommended chiropractic adjustments and in office therapies. Treatment success is achieved when a person has learned how to independently self-manage his/her condition and maximize participation in everyday life.